
Gender Gap in Online Privacy Concerns


Gender Gap in Online Privacy Concerns: Women More Reserved in Sharing Personal Data

Women are more cautious than men about sharing personal information online, with 84% of those recently surveyed expressing concerns compared to 78% of men. These findings were highlighted in Digidentity's survey, focused on digital platform users in the UK and the Netherlands. The study found that gender, age, and nationality play significant roles in shaping individuals' attitudes and behaviours toward online privacy and security.

There is a lower likelihood of women oversharing personal details to reduce their vulnerability to identity theft. Additionally, women are less inclined to trade personal data for expedited online access than men, further highlighting their cautious approach to online privacy.

Read the full article on Finance Magnates.

Interested in Digidentity's survey? The report is available to download.

Digidentity announces new integration with Docusign

Gender Gap in Online Privacy Concerns

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