Log in to UWV with eHerkenning.
Fastest access to services related to work and income
The portals of UWV give you access to everthing you may need regarding work and income. With eHerkenning, logging in to these portals is easy and secure. You can arrange your eHerkenning account within minutes at Digidentity.
eHerkenning Level 3
The most used level of assurance for eHerkenning.
Required for UWV, DNB and the Tax authorities (de Belastingdienst), among others.
Per year excl. VAT
eHerkenning Level 4
The highest level of assurance available within eHerkenning.
Only for some companies and specific tasks, such like patent applications require level 4. After registration, you will also receive a voucher for five Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES). A one-off fee of 90 euro for identification costs will be charged.
Total excl. VAT and €90 registration costs
Log in to UWV
From reporting sick employees to viewing absenteeism data, everything regarding work and income can be arranged within the portals of the UWV. To acquire access to UWV, you need eHerkenning. This is to ensure all the confidential, personal information that gets shared is and stays safe.
The registration process for eHerkenning is simplified at Digidentity. Create your eHerkenning account remotely, without leaving your desk. After registering you can log in at UWV.
eHerkenning 3
Logging in to the portals of UWV requires eHerkenning assurance level 3. This is the second highest level of assurance within eHerkenning. Digidentity is an eHerkenning supplier recognised by the Dutch government. Which means that we meet all required safety demands and standards.
Please note that eHerkenning level 4 is mandatory for some UWV portals.
An overview of all portals that are affiliated with UWV including which assurance level you need.
eHerkenning level 3 is required for this portal.
eHerkenning level 3 is required for this portal.
ZakelijkPortaal / MijnGegevensdiensten
For this portal you need assurance level 4.
eHerkenning level 3 is required for this portal. You can find more information here: https://www.werk.nl/werkgevers/testen-eherkenning/
How to register for eHerkenning
The registration process starts with the creation of your Digidentity account. In this step you download our Digidentity app on your smartphone. We verify your identity with our biometric identification method. This means that we are going to read the NFC chip in your identity document with the app. To confirm your identity, you take two selfies, which we compare with the photo on your identity document.
After confirming your identity, we verify the details of the company for which you are registering eHerkenning. To do this, we ask you to enter the Chamber of Commerce (Kvk) number in this step. Based on your registration with the Chamber of Commerce (Kvk), we check the company's details.
In the final steps of the registration process, we verify that you are authorised to act on behalf of this company. If you are an authorised representative in the Chamber of Commerce (Kvk), the authorization will be automatically approved. If this is not the case, you must ask the authorised representative in your company for approval.